COVID-19 Updates as of May 13, 2020

I finally can deliver some good news.  My office will be opening for a NEW NORMAL schedule starting Monday (5/18/2020).  With that being said, I am excited to return to work and I am sure many of you are excited to be able to schedule.  Who would have ever thought anyone would be excited for a dental appointment😊

Rebecca and Kristen are reaching out to reschedule every one that has been canceled due to the COVID-19 closure.  If you have not talked to them by the end of today (5/13/2020) and need to schedule/reschedule, please call tomorrow (5/14/2020) and they will help you.

As I reopen, there will be changes that I want to make everyone aware of.  These are for the staff and patients’ well-being, while we are in this transition stage.  I am trying to minimize any interpersonal contact between patients.  Since I do not have the luxury of having patients wait in a parking lot, I have removed most of the chairs in my waiting room and the remaining ones are socially distanced.  I ask that you please wash your hands in the bathrooms right outside my office before entering for your appointment.  Once you come in for your appointment, your temperature will be taken with a non-contact thermometer and a COVID-19 questionnaire will be filled out.  If patients do not have a temperature over 100.4F and no complications on the questionnaire, the patient will be brought back to the treatment room.  I ask that you do not show up more than 5 minutes prior to your scheduled time, as to minimize patient to patient contact.  If you are more than 10 minutes late to your appointment, you will have to be RESCHEDULED for the same reason.  Every patient will rinse with a hydrogen peroxide/water mix before treatment.  All updated PPE will be requirements and will be followed.  I also have air purifiers on order, which should be here within days for some and weeks for others.  Treatment will be based on a case by case assessment, but for the most part we will try to accommodate everyone.  There are some other minor changes that you will notice, but they are too many to go into here.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone.  Please stay safe.  Keep washing your hands and social distancing.  God Bless you and your families.


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